I wonder ... if Granny had lived to see the Internet, and lived long enough for us to show her the wonders of Epicurious, The Food Network and Cooking Light , would her old favorite recipes be replaced by new favorites? What would happen if she discovered her pecan pie could be improved upon by adding agave nectar and chocolate chips? And would her commitment to the tried-and-true be tested by the embarrassingly rich selection of the on-line recipe catalogue?
Well, I think I know the answer to that. Granny would stick to what she and her family loved, of course! And history would remain unchanged. I, however, awash in CHOW 's food-topian community and power-tripped-up as I publish mini-reviews on Urban Spoon (my opinions matter!)... I .... will rarely commit to encapsulating a recipe in a plastic sleeve, adorning it with marginalia ("The best yet. A+"), and believe with my heart that no other will ever be needed. There are just too many fish recipes in the internet's sea to settle on one, or even a FEW, ways to prepare cioppino.
Exceptions exist. True love happily forces the exception. For my commitment, what better place to start than with chocolate. I found the brownies for me. I don't know or care what anyone else needs from their brownies. If you are committed to tall and cakey ones, good. If your family always requests the fudgy-gooeys with the powdered sugar on top, I say well done! But my brownies will always be somewhere in between, with a tacky top that fastens your teeth together when you chew and both goo and cake in the middle. "Our thing" is to dress it up with peanut butter chips. That little bit of jouissance is how I reeled this one in, and made it a keeper.
Preheat oven to 350. Melt 1 cup butter, take off heat and stir in 2 cups sugar, 4 eggs, 2 t vanilla. Beat in 2/3 cup flour, 2/3 cup cocoa, 3/4 t salt and 1 t baking powder. Spread it in a 12 x 8 pan and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Over-baking these will make them inedible. Take them out on time. Sprinkle with peanut butter chips before baking if desired.