Sunday, December 21, 2008
Last Supper in Sprawlburbia
It was inevitable we'd visit the new Chili's down the street (Arlington's 100th?). When you have a happy hour a half mile away how do you pretend it's not there? After a looooong time with a huuuuuge menu, hubby sipping a marg and me with a draft Shiner, we settled on Portobella and Steak Fajitas and Chicken Tacos for me. It was a totally enjoyable meal, but a meal not without its problems, a few of which I will enjoy to point out. First, these "black beans" that Chili's serves up with all its Tex-Mex-esque dishes are nothing but Sysco cans of Goya beans, undoctored. Kinda gross in their plainness, mostly because you realize the profit margin here and it grosses you out. Second, ditto for the "Mission" tortillas. They are sweet and they are chock full of hydrogenated oils. Just because chain restaurants deal in warehouse foods, doesn't mean I can't complain about it. Our wonderful, attentive older waiter, the amazing cleanliness of the place, however, as well as hubby's great-tasting fajitas, made our early-bird meal a solid B-. Fajitas, heh-heh; now there is something chains get right.